All about event decoration and personalisation

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All about event decoration and personalisation

How can you reach your target audience more directly? Could an event help your message get through faster?
Events can ensure that your product reaches further and in a more direct manner. But how can you achieve this? The answer is simple: the fundamental factor is to convey your essence attractively and to make a difference.


In any event, the design and decoration are essential aspects that help convey your message and give presence to the company. The details make the difference, helping you create the atmosphere, aesthetics, and communication needed to transmit your brand’s values.

The setting of an event has a direct impact on the interest and mood of the attendees. Therefore, creating a pleasant and representative design of the brand, accompanied by an original experience, will be crucial for the event to be positively remembered.

This impact is closely related to neuromarketing, the science that studies the brain’s behaviour in a purchasing process. In other words, it studies how users react to a brand’s advertising strategies through the stimulation of emotions, colours, smells, sounds, etc., which influence their attention, memory, and senses.

In neuromarketing, the identification of stimuli is key, although predicting people’s behaviour is more complex. First, identify the stimuli to be studied and analysed. Subsequently, establish advertising strategies considering these studies.

Strategies increasingly focus on experiential advertising, leading us to more emotional and “irrational” grounds, significantly influencing people’s purchasing decisions.

To develop a good strategy in organising your event, consider the following points:

1. Theme

It’s important to think of an idea that gives meaning to the event and is coherent with the brand. From here, you can design decorative elements, such as banners or roll-ups, that personalise the space. We must be able to tell a story that captivates our audience, so it remains in their memory, and the experience is impactful enough for them to talk about it, extending your brand’s message beyond the event.

In some events, you can also use professional animation to better tell your story and convey the essence of what you want to communicate.

2. Personalisation

Personalising elements will give you a differential value and make your brand identifiable anywhere in the space. A personalised photo call is a very recurrent element that can serve as a tool to enhance and spread our event on social media.

Photocall example

Central placement inside Nike store, installed by INSTORE

You can also offer personalised and promotional gifts. They are an ideal form of communication between the brand and the client. These gifts should implicitly carry your brand’s essence, with the logo, colours, materials aligned with your values, etc.

Gifts make the brand and event memorable over time. The most successful ones tend to be those with practical utility, an attractive aesthetic message, or that can be used by the whole family. A suitable and coherent choice of these gifts with your brand will undoubtedly favour:

  • Customer loyalty and appreciation
  • Brand, product, and/or service visibility
  • Stimulating sales
  • Impact
  • Professionalism
  • Memory
  • Brand promotion and word of mouth

Moreover, implementing good graphic communication, such as posters, signs, dimensional letters, flyers, roll-ups, attractive graphics, etc., supported by good lighting, can be the finishing touch.

3. Furniture

Furniture is essential for making your event a memorable occasion, so you must be very meticulous when choosing or designing it. Consider the type of event you want to hold and the function of each piece of furniture. They should be attractive, comfortable, and made of appropriate material depending on the durability you need or where they will be placed.

Other affordable elements you can use in your event that give personality to spaces are carpets and textiles. They reflect your brand’s character and are a good resource for separating and delimiting spaces, decorating ceilings or walls, for chairs and tablecloths, even for varying the light passage of some luminaires.

Vinyls are also very useful; they adhere to almost any surface and can personalise elements and spaces in countless ways. You can add your brand, event name, or images related to the theme wherever needed.

Other resources you can use depending on the event theme include pedestals, climate control elements, special effects, event bonfires, tents, technological gadgets, advertising supports, etc.

4. Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important and versatile elements when designing a space. Through it, we can delimit different areas and give them the prominence we seek. We can also visually eliminate elements we don’t want to be seen or try to camouflage them, so they are not the centre of attention, such as the background of a stage or workers’ areas.

The atmosphere you design will be directly influenced by the type of lighting you choose. White light may be suitable for a more formal event, while warmer and softer light, accompanied by an intimate environment, transports us to a close and relaxing place. Darker light tones will create expectation and mysticism, potentially being more impactful.
To regulate this lighting, there are systems with which you can vary the light’s tone or intensity, and it’s also important where you place the luminaires to achieve your desired effect.

Clearly, the type of lighting will help define your final result, as each has different qualities and technical conditions.

I’ll summarise a bit about the types of lighting you can use, depending on the different effects you can achieve:

Types of lighting

To achieve this, we can use the following resources:

LED lighting bars.
These elements are made of backlit material, plus the placement of LEDs, so the event bar becomes a protagonist and a gathering point for attendees.

Example of a bar with LED lighting 

Motorised lighting structures.
This type consists of a lattice frame to suspend lights with controlled motors, where the lighting movements can be programmed. In this video, we can see a clear example of creating a show with very attractive and impactful lighting tools.

Gobo: Dynamic lighting.
The word “gobo” is an abbreviation of “graphical optical blackout,” referring to a generally round, metallic piece with cut-out shapes creating a personalised template placed in front of a light. They can be used for simple lighting or to create a recognisable pattern, such as geometric shapes. With technological advancements, glass gobos were developed to incorporate colours and detailed images. Currently, dynamic lighting can be projected on walls to add visual emotions and movement, even combining different gobos to create textured effects.

Neon Effect with Gobos

Example of Pinspotting light

Pinspotting light.
A simple technique used to highlight small details through beams of light or light points. For this, we can use LED lighting, small spotlights, or even candles.

This lighting system is widely used in concerts. Lasers can synchronise with music, be programmed, and extend into space, drawing shapes and images on the surface. Adapting this technique to your event will surely provide infinite possibilities.

Example of Laser lighting

LED wash, spot, and beam lights.

Different types of spotlights can be used depending on how you want to diffuse the light. We can differentiate between those that disperse light the most, painting the scene with colours and light, and those that concentrate the light beam to create well-defined cones and shapes.

Wash lights use wide-angle lenses, achieving shorter light reach but greater luminosity at short distances and in a 110º radius. They are often used to paint spaces with colour, ideal for illuminating halls, rest areas, or facades.

Spot lights produce the opposite effect to wash lights, concentrating luminosity in a single light beam with much more power. These lights are used to project gobos or illuminate stages or areas where good light power is needed. With customised and pre-designed templates, these shapes can be directed anywhere in the room, creating textures through light.

Finally, beam lights have the greatest capacity to concentrate light, useful for projecting more defined gobos, such as the brand logo or a sharper image, and for projecting well-differentiated colours. They use larger, thicker lenses with more dioptres than spots, achieving a higher intensity and longer-reaching light beam.

Combining all three types well can achieve different effects and atmospheres in the same space.

String lights.

There are endless possibilities for using them in your event decoration: large or small, white light decorated with flowers inside, or cables decorated with vines, giving the space a very intimate and calm atmosphere. Candles are another interesting element that helps generate this climate, serving as support light.

Example of Lighting with String Lights

5. Multisensory Experiences

More and more studies talk about multisensory experiences. Event organisers are aware of this and affirm that such actions need to be incorporated into events to increase engagement. They foster creative experiences, make events more memorable, and give personality and originality to their brand, differentiating them from the competition.

As its name suggests, these experiences affect the senses, making the experience more intense and unforgettable.

Sight is the most used and, for many industry professionals, the most effective sense, so careful decoration will influence the attendees’ impression.

You can use LED screens for projections of explanatory videos or brand-related content, as well as animated lighting that adds dynamism to the space.

Video mapping is an original way to project videos or animations on all kinds of surfaces: tables, furniture, facades, ceilings, floors, etc.

Considering the sense of hearing is crucial. The ambient sound, music, sound equipment, and space acoustics are essential in the communication and atmosphere of an event.
Live music or an original instrumental performance is always much better.

The peculiarity of this sense is that it directly infiltrates us. The challenge for event designers is to introduce the concept, colours, and textures through a tune that transports us to an environment and the brand or product’s world.

Taste is one of the senses that most determines the event’s success or failure. The culinary choice, aesthetics, and product presentation, tablecloths, cutlery, dishes, or table decorations are very important.

An entire experience can be created around gastronomy, with original activities such as tastings, show cooking, cooking contests, culinary workshops, etc.

Finally, touch may be the least enhanced sense in these types of events. Finding a way to interact with people through this sense will create a unique and original experience.

The choice of textures and materials plays a very important role. Connecting with the sense of touch directly captures the attendees’ attention, favouring interaction with the space and immersing them in the environment. Establishing actions where the product or material can be touched or even adding texture samples are strategies that can make a difference.

Many brands are creating events that implement Sensory Marketing strategies in some of their campaigns, and they are highly successful.

For example, in this Gillette campaign:

Or the brand L’Occitane to promote its new Pivoine Delicate range at the Hotel El Palace in Barcelona:

As you have seen in this post, the possibilities for personalising your event are endless, and by following these tips, you can surely make your event stand out and be a complete success.

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