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Increasing sales can be a good starting point when defining the objective of an event; however, you should aim to be more precise in setting your goals. “My intention is to increase sales by 12% at Christmas” is the kind of goal that allows you to measure the success of your event. A solid goal should mention percentages and deadlines. In short, we need to think SMARTER.
“Increasing the impact of your new product or service launch” is not a specific objective. Positioning your goal as solid and concrete requires comparison:
“Samsung aims to surpass Apple in sales with its event,” “My flagship product’s promotion must outperform last year.”
Your own company’s results or those of your competitors will allow you to set goals based on objective reality.
Customized signage and backlit furniture with brand image
An objective should present numerical values that define whether your event has been a success or a failure. Quantitatively defining your target will enable us to assess its feasibility and profitability. To do this, you must conduct regular studies comparing your previous results with those you wish to achieve.
Aiming for the sky without having reached the ceiling is beyond ambition; it’s foolishness. We agree that having a challenge to tackle is essential for maintaining a good dose of motivation, but we must not forget that motivation is a delicate feeling, one that does not fare well with unrealistic expectations. Be realistic; set achievable yet challenging goals.
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Valuing an objective as relevant is an incentive to achieve it. Before defining what your goal will be, you should ask yourself: Is my customer interested in attending an event of this kind at the scheduled dates? Is this objective aligned with my brand’s values? Is it worth investing in an event to achieve this goal?
Setting an unspecific and unrealistic goal usually results in it being stretched over time. Establishing a specific timeline with a clear start and finish allows us to evaluate the impact of our event within a specific period and prevents us from prioritising daily tasks over long-term objectives.
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Once the deadline has been reached, the objectives should be subjected to evaluation:
Did we achieve our goal? How can we adapt the next target? Did the results meet the expected profitability? It’s important to analyse whether the event had the planned impact, whether the objectives were met, if the budget was adhered to, and if attendees responded as anticipated.
Based on data from our competitors and our past achievements, KPIs for events are performance indicators aimed at quantitatively measuring the success of the strategies applied to reach the proposed goal. Working with KPIs will help you in the future to set more concrete objectives and make fewer mistakes. If you prefer to have your own audience define the success of your event, user surveys will be your ally in qualitative evaluation.
Finally, if after evaluating the event you realise you haven’t achieved your goal, you’ll need to readjust it. This doesn’t mean you have to discard your goals and start over; rather, you should approach them from a different angle. Adjusting the criteria and tools will allow you to set appropriate goals for your future events.
Luminous signage for “Mahou’s Cómplices” tour
The habit of setting goals based on the SMARTER concept will help you to plan your event’s objectives and assess their feasibility. Clearly and thoroughly defining your objectives will ease the planning of your event, its promotion, and help you stick to the budget. Aligning with your goals will lend solidity to your messages, generating clearer and more convincing communication with your attendees, thereby increasing their interest. Are you clear about the objective of your next event? Now is the time to take action!
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